Meet The Team
Casey Abate, Outing Sales Coordinator
Currently Reside in: Middletown, DE
Professional Achievements:
– First 212 Winner at Back Creek
– RJG COO (Culture of Opportunity) Member – Started as a host & rose up to outing sales. Driven & focused on making Back Creek successful!
Favorite aspect of work for RJG: Being able to rise up through the ranks. Promotes within and gives opportunities to grow in the company.
and the most inspiring part: Seeing the joy on a customers face and wanting to ensure they remain happy. Want to make outings easy and enjoyable for the client. Hearing the excitement to book for next year
Favorite Quote: “Failure is an opportunity for growth”
What advice would you give a candidate who wants to join our team of superstars? Be motivated and excited to make the event a success.
What is your favorite part of an event? Seeing the happiness on the customers face and giving them an enjoyable/memorable experience.
When did you start building a passion for events? As soon as I started working on events as a server, busser or bartender. I love being a part of a successful event that leaves the customers looking back joyfully on the memory.